Jennifer Leone - Public Speaking Coach

Best Public Speaking Course

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Jennifer has worked with people in business, education, marketing and sales who are looking for help telling their Signature Story memorably. Take a look at what these clients have to say about Jennifer Leone and the best public speaking course.

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What Our Happy Clients Say

As an entrepreneur, I have always wanted to be a top-notch speaker so I can share my story with others. I recently completed the Deluxe Package with Jennifer Leone. Her patience, understanding and attention to detail were very instrumental in understanding the opportunities I had to offer an audience.
My presentation will be different now as I learned how to relax before the presentation, how to prepare a speech, create “focus” points within it, and make transitions between parts of presentation. 

The coaching provided a lot of useful tips. It helped me to recognize the importance of body language and eye-contact in my daily communications. The course was very beneficial to my continued growth and success and I would highly recommend it to corporate executives with similar opportunities as mine.

Monika Tu, CEO Black Diamondds Property Concierge


Audiences know if you are being authentic, which is what they want more than any tricks, techniques or slick style. Jennifer helps you be the same person on stage that you are off stage. Her coaching style transcends technology. Her passion comes through a screen as powerfully as it does in person. She is patient when asking questions and will give you all the time you need to uncover the best aspects of your presentation. This skill works effectively for her clients online.

Michael Davis, Author, Communication Skills Trainer, Speaker &TEDx USA Coach


I have had the great privilege to work alongside Jennifer on stage presenting to audiences large and small. Her expertise is second to none, audiences lean in and leave inspired. Year upon year I’ve admired her dedication to continually develop her craft. I have also engaged Jennifer to assist me with re-crafting my powerful stories so that I reach the hearts of my audience and inspire them to take positive action. Jennifer provides a unique and expert perspective that every storyteller needs!

Sally Foley-Lewis, Productivity & Self-Leadership Expert

Professional Speech Coach Jennifer Leone has a keen eye, a well-tuned ear, but most importantly a sensitive heart. She has the uncanny ability to reach into her clients’ hearts, dive deep, and find the stories and messages that come from their core. Jennifer also has a motherly touch, firm but loving, born from the depth of her knowledge and the wisdom of her experience. Her clients range from emerging speakers to corporate executives, all of whom she skilfully guides along journeys of self-discovery.

Mark L Brown, CSP

The highlight of working with Jennifer was her capacity to connect the elements to create a great story line. I’ve learned that practise delivers mastery. My presentation/story will be different now because what I thought was not important is important and others will need to hear it.

Dr David M Williams AM, CEO, MWLP

Jennifer asks questions and listens to you; she wants to know what you are thinking. Once she has a good idea of where you want to go, she helps you get there by pointing out specific areas that you need to work on. Sometimes she suggests other possible avenues that you might want to consider. Jennifer’s coaching benefitted me immensely as I won the club and area speech contests and I felt confidence and trust in myself. My goal was to connect with the audience, and I felt that I did.

Antonio Valles – Member of Stage Time University, Mexico

Let's get started ...

You can do it and Jennifer can help.

Packages begin at $395. With a tailored package, an estimate will be provided based on

your specific presentation, speech or proposal.

Don’t hesitate get access to the best public speaking course.