Jennifer Leone - Public Speaking Coach

Public Speaking FAQ

Find answers to your most common questions on becoming a public speaker

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions on becoming a public speaker

If I’m not sure what my message is in my story, can Jennifer help me find it?

Yes. I listen to your story and I then ask many questions to help me dig deeper and find, in the smaller details, the profound messages for your audience. I never leave a stone unturned. The message is always hidden in the details of your story.

How long is a coaching session?

Approximately, 2 hours. Whether it is face to face or Skype/Zoom. A coaching session may be split into two segments. The first half is spent working on mining through your story. Once you have rewritten your story, we work on your delivery and share top public speaking tips and tricks. However, in saying this, it is always up to you to choose what you wish to get from your sessions to achieve the outcome you seek.

How does coaching someone overseas/interstate work?

It works just as effectively through Zoom, Skype or Go Meeting. Currently I am working with clients in over 7 countries around the world. The results are just as positive.

What do I need to prepare before I have a coaching session with Jennifer?

If it is possible, email me a copy of your presentation, slides or video for me to access before I book in our session. I will then prepare a list of questions for you.

Does Jennifer write my speech?

When you book the deluxe mining, defining and refining package, it will be included. It will be a draft copy for you to revise and develop.

How long is an average speech today?
If a keynote, then it could be from 20mins to 45mins. No matter the amount of time you are allocated, the most important thing to consider is that you spend the allocated time wisely and present a point or message that leaves the audience wanting more. One point or message for every 10 minutes of speech is the guideline.

What type of clients has Jennifer coached?
I have coached clients from all walks of life. From entrepreneurs to authors, clergy, senior managers, educational professionals, lawyers and professional speakers just to name a few.

Does Jennifer coach more than one person at a time?
If you are presenting with a partner – then yes.

Does Jennifer conduct workshops, public & corporate?
Yes. Mainly they are in-house workshops for specific companies. I also carry out public workshops at my training room in Castle Hill.

Is my coaching session tax deductible?
Yes, as it is classed as presentation skills training for the workplace.

What are the conditions for payment?
Once a proposal is accepted then payment is to be made prior to commencement. If it is a coaching session or coaching package then payment is to be made prior to commencement once an invoice is issued. Payment is made by Direct Debit or Pay Pal.

What type of stories is Jennifer experienced to coach?
For over a decade, I have worked with clients sharing diverse stories from rags to riches, tragedy to triumph and everything in between. With senior managers, I am able to assist them develop directly relevant case studies and experiences in the workplace to be incorporated into a business presentation.

Does Jennifer coach School children?
No, not in most cases it is not my area of expertise. I can make recommendations.

Let's get started ...

You can do it and Jennifer can help.

Packages begin at $395. With a tailored package, an estimate will be provided based on

your specific presentation, speech or proposal.