As your public speaking trainer Sydney, I offer an independent third-party viewpoint. I act as ‘the eye’ of the audience. I come from a totally different perspective – not as family or friend – but as a professional who cares deeply to work with you to develop your unique Signature Story. Respect and confidentiality are assured during our process.
As your coach, I see parts of your Signature Story that I know will resonate with your audience on a far deeper level. We work together in investigating these parts and details.
I will challenge your thinking; provide a simple process you can follow; offer support and follow-up; give you a gentle yet firm push when you get off track; provide impartial and independent advice; and maintain privacy of the issues discussed.
What works exceptionally well in my coaching style, is the ability to see beyond your ‘events’ and ‘situations’ to the more profound meaning. This then becomes the reason to tell your story.When that is discovered, you will find your enthusiasm to tell your story grows to a new level.
Customised Coaching works in your favour with every consideration given regarding your target audience. When I tap into your real WHY, then I tap into your purpose for sharing your story.
As your public speaking trainer Sydney I will use innovative and proven “Mirror Your Message Method” and Story Selling techniques that I have developed.